Signs & Symptoms
Departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient, indicating the presence of disease.

What is Signs & Symptoms

A symptom is a departure from normal function or feeling which is noticed by a patient, indicating the presence of disease or abnormality. A symptom is subjective, observed by the patient, and cannot be measured directly. The term is sometimes also applied to physiological states outside the context of disease, as for example when referring to "symptoms of pregnancy".

A medical sign is an objective indication of some medical fact or characteristic that may be detected by a physician during a physical examination or by a clinical scientist by means of an in vivo examination of a patient. Signs may have no meaning to the patient, and may even go unnoticed, but may be meaningful and significant to the healthcare provider in assisting the diagnosis of medical condition(s) responsible for the patient's symptoms.

If You Are Suffering From

  • Hair Fall
  • Thinning of Hair
  • Premature Greying of Hair
  • Leukorrhea (thick and white/yellow vaginal discharge)
  • Menorrhagia  (Heavy Menstrual Bleeding)
  • Metrorrhagia (Menstrual Bleeding at Irregular Intervals)
  • Oligomenorrhea  (Infrequent Menstrual Bleeding).
  • Dysmenorrhea  (Menstrual Cramps)
  • Primary and secondary amenorrhoea
  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Galactorrhea (Abnormal Lactation)
  • Deficient lactation, Irregular lactation, Absence of lactation.
  • Iron & Calcium Deficiency Anemia
  • Anemia due to Pregnancy & Lactation.
  • Hemorrhoids / Piles
  • Memory & Concentration Related Problems
  • Obesity / FAT
  • Dyslipidemia (High Cholesterol and Triglycerides)
  • Liver Disorders
  • Constipation
  • Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) / Sugar
  • General Debility - Vigor & Vitality
  • Acne & Pimple
  • Skin Related Disorder – Sun Burn, Eczema, Burns, Wounds, Fungal Infection
  • Age Spots
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence
  • Premature ejaculation (PE)
  • Spermatorrhea (excessive or voluntary ejaculation)
  • Oligospermia (semen with low concentration of sperm)
  • Nocturnal emission
  • Lack of Libido
  • Low energy & poor stamina
  • Deficiency in energy level
  • Physical & Sexual Weakness
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) – Enlarged Prostate
  • Depressive illness of varied etiology
  • Anxiety and stress-related disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Kidney Stone (Renal Calculus)
  • Crystalluria (presence of crystals in urine)
  • Joint Pain
  • Arthritis

About us

SAS Pharma is a well known Ayurvedic medicines manufacturer & exporter located in India having state-of-the-art manufacturing plant with full-fledged R & D facility. Brand SAS has introduced a wide range of innovative products for healthcare & wellness. <<read more>>

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