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Abortificant: Induces the premature abortion of the fetus.

Adaptogens: Herbs that help us adapt to stress by supporting the adrenal glands, the endocrine system, and the whole person.

Alterative: These herbs alter or change a long-standing condition by aiding the elimination of metabolic toxins improving lymphatic circulation, boost immunity, and help clear chronic conditions of the skin.

Amoebicidal: these are drugs used for amoebic dysentery.

Analgesic or anodynes: These herbs reduce or eliminate pain

Anaphrodisiac: Herbs that decrease or allay sexual feelings or desires.

Anesthetics: For surgical anesthesia

Antihelimintic: Herbs that destroys and dispels worms, parasites, fungus, yeast

Anodyne: Herbs that relieve pain and reduces the sensitivity of the nerves.

Antacid: Neutralizes the acid produced by the stomach.

Antibilious: Herb that combats nausea, abdominal discomfort, headache, constipation, and gas that is caused by an excessive secretion of bile. (These symptoms are called biliousness.)

Antibiotic: Inhibits the growth of germs and harmful microbes.

Antidiabetic: that which controls blood sugar level

Anti diarrhea: drugs that control diarrhea (loose watery motions)

Antiemetic: Prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting.

Antiepileptic: Herb that control convulsions or seizures of epilepsy.

Antilithic: Aids in preventing the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Antiperiodic: Prevents the periodic recurrence of attacks of a disease; as in malaria.

Antiphlogistic: Herb that counteracts inflammation.

Antipyretic: herb that reduces fever by destroying fever toxins and inducing sweating to increase the loss of heat.

Antirheumatic: Herb that relieves or cures rheumatism.

Antiscorbutic: Effective in the prevention or treatment of scurvy.

Antiseptic:  herbs that prevent decay or putrefaction cause due to germs.

Antispasmodic: Relieves or prevents muscle spasm or cramps

Antisyphilitic: Herbs that improve or cure syphilis.

Antitussive: Prevents or improves a cough.

Antivenomous: Acts against poisonous matter from animals.

Antizymotic: Herbs that destroy disease-producing organisms.

Aperient. - A mild or gentle laxative.

Aphrodisiac: Restores or increases sexual power and desire.

Appetizer: herbs that stimulate the appetite.

Aromatic: Herb with a pleasant, fragrant scent and a pungent taste.

Astringent: Causes a local contraction of the skin, blood vessels, and other tissues, thereby arresting the discharge of blood, mucus, etc.

Balsam: The resin of a tree that is healing and soothing.

Balsamic: a healing or soothing agent.

Bitter: a solution of bitter herbs that reduce toxins,

Calmative: Herbs that are soothing and sedating

Cardiac Stimulant: Herbs that promote circulation when there is a weak heart.

Carminative:  Herb that promotes normal peristalsis, relieves spasms and pain caused due to gas forming in the intestines, and also assists in expelling it.

Cathartic: Causes evacuation of the bowels.

Cholagogue: Herb that stimulates the flow of bile from the liver into the intestines.

Decongestant: For relieving congestion

Demulcent: Soothes, protects, and relieves the irritation of inflamed mucous membranes and other surfaces.

Dentifrice: herbs used for cleaning teeth and gums.

Deobstruent. - Removes obstructions by opening the natural passages or pores of the body.

Depurative: Tends to purify and cleanse the blood.

Detergent: Cleanses boils, ulcers, wounds, etc.

Diaphoretic: Promotes perspiration, especially profuse perspiration. Promotes circulation; dispels fever and chills; eliminates surface toxins

Digestives: Assists the stomach and intestines in normal digestion.

Discutient: Herb that dissolves or causes something, such as a tumor, to disappear.

Disinfectant: Destroys disease germs and prevent putrefaction

Diuretic: Promotes the production and secretion of urine.

Drastic: A violent purgative.

Ecbolic: herbs that induce uterine contraction and cause abortion

Emetic: herbs that causes vomiting.

Emmanogogue: Herb that brings on menstruation.

Emollient: A substance that is usually used externally to soften and soothe the skin.

Esculent: Edible or fit for eating.

Exanthematous: exanthema refers to any eruptive disease or fever. Herbs used as a remedy for skin eruptions are Exanthematous herbs

Exhilarant: Herbs that enliven and cheer the mind.]

Expectorant: Promotes the thinning and ejection of mucus from the lungs

Febrifuge (syn: antipyretic): Reduces body temperature and fever.

Galactogogue: herbs that increases breast milk secretion.

Germicide: Destroys germs and worms.

Haemostatic: herbs that prevent os stop bleeding

Hepatic: Promotes the well-being of the liver and increases the secretion of bile.

Hypnotic: Tends to produce sleep.

Laxative: Herb that acts to promote evacuation of the bowels; a gentle cathartic.

Lithotriptic: Causing the dissolution or destruction of stones in the bladder or kidneys.

Mucilaginous: Herbs that have a soothing effect on inflamed mucous membranes.

Myotic: herbs that cause the contraction of the pupil and diminution of ocular tension.

Narcotic: An addicting substance that reduces pain and produces sleep.]

Nauseant: Herbs that cause nausea and vomiting.

Nervine: A substance that calms and soothes the nerves and reduces tension and anxiety.

Opthalmicum: A remedy for diseases of the eye.

Parturient: A substance that induces and promotes labor.

Parturifacient: Herbs that induces childbirth or labor.

Poultice: Plant material that is prepared in a special way and applied to the surface of the body as a remedy for certain disorders.

Purgative: A substance that promotes the vigorous evacuation of the bowels.

Refrigerant: herbs that relieve fever and thirst.

Relaxant: Tends to relax and relieve tension, especially muscular tension.

Resolvent: Promotes the resolving and removing of abnormal growths, such as a tumor.

Rubefacient: An agent that reddens the skin by increasing the circulation when rubbed on the surface.

Sedative: Herb that allays excitement, induces relaxation, and is conducive to sleep.

Sialagogue: Promotes the flow of saliva.

Soporific: Herbs that help to produce sleep.

Stimulant: Herb that increases the activity or efficiency of a system or organ;

Stomachic: Herbs that give strength and tone to the stomach, stimulate digestion, and improve the appetite

Styptic: herbs that arrests hemorrhage and bleeding.

Tincture: A solution of the active principal of an herb in alcohol.

Tonic: Herbs that restore and strengthen the entire system. Produces and restores normal tone.

 Reiuvenative: Regenerates cells and tissues; promotes longevity.

Vermicide: Herb that kills intestinal worms.

Vermifuge: An agent that expels intestinal worms or parasites.

Vesicant. - An agent that causes blistering, such as poison ivy.

Vulnerary- a herb used in treating fresh cuts and wounds, usually used as a paste.

Adenoids: Glands or lymphoid tissue in the upper part of the throat behind the nose.

Adenoidectomy: The surgical removal of enlarged adenoids to help prevent blockage of the eustachian tubes and ear infections. This is usually done as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia.

Allergen: A substance that your body perceives as dangerous and causes an allergic reaction.

Allergic rhinitis: See Hay fever

Allergy: An exaggerated response to a substance or condition produced by the release of histamine or histamine-like substances in affected cells.

Allergy index: Measure (from 1-10) of allergy sufferers who are affected by pollen in your region. Since some types of pollen may be more likely to cause allergies than others, a high allergy index does not necessarily correspond to a high pollen count.

Allergy shots: See Immunotherapy

Anaphylaxis: Severe, life-threatening allergic response characterized by lowered blood pressure, swelling, and hives.

Angioedema: Swelling similar to urticaria (hives), but the swelling occurs beneath the skin instead of on the surface. Angioedema is characterized by deep swelling around the eyes and lips and sometimes of the hands and feet.

Antibodies: Specialized proteins produced by white blood cells that circulate in the blood. Antibodies seek and attach to foreign proteins, microorganisms, or toxins in order to neutralize them. They are part of the immune system.

Antigen: A substance, usually a protein, in which the body perceives as foreign.

Antihistamine: Medication that prevents symptoms of congestion, sneezing, and itchy, runny nose by blocking histamine receptors.

Anti-inflammatory: Type of medication that reduces swelling and mucus production, particularly for asthma.

Asthma: A disease of the branches of the windpipe (bronchial tubes) that carry air in and out of the lungs. Asthma causes the airways to narrow, the lining of the airways to swell, and the cells that line the airways to produce more mucus. These changes make breathing difficult and cause a feeling of not getting enough air into the lungs.

Bronchodilators: Medications used to relax the muscle bands that tighten around the airways during an asthma episode. Bronchodilators also help clear mucus from the lungs.

Conjunctivitis: Also called "pink eye." Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the tissue that lines the inside of the eyelid.

Dander, animal: Tiny scales shed from animal skin or hair. Dander floats in the air, settles on surfaces, and makes up much household dust. Cat dander is a classic cause of allergic reactions.

Decongestant: Medication that shrinks swollen nasal tissues to relieve symptoms of nasal swelling, congestion, and mucus secretion.

Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin, either due to direct contact with an irritating substance or to an allergic reaction. Symptoms include redness, itching, and sometimes blistering.

Drug allergy: Allergic reaction to a specific medication. The most common cause of drug allergies is penicillin.

Dust mites: Microscopic insects that live in household dust and are common allergens. Dust mites live on dead skin cells and can be found in large numbers in mattresses, pillows, carpets, curtains, and furniture.

Elimination diet: A diet in which certain foods are temporarily discontinued from the diet to rule out the cause of allergy symptoms.

ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay): Blood test used to identify the substances that are causing your allergy symptoms and to estimate a relative sensitivity.

Epinephrine: A form of adrenaline medication used to treat severe allergic reactions, such as anaphylactic shock or insect stings. It is available in a self-injectable form or can be injected by a healthcare provider.

Food allergy: Allergy that occurs when the immune system responds defensively to a specific food protein that is not harmful to the body.

Hay fever: Allergic reaction caused by the pollens of ragweed, grasses, and other plants whose pollen is spread by the wind.

HEPA: High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which removes particles in the air by forcing it through screens containing microscopic pores.

Histamine: A naturally occurring substance that is released by the immune system after being exposed to an allergen. When you inhale an allergen, mast cells located in the nose and sinus membranes release histamine. Histamine then attaches to receptors on nearby blood vessels, causing them to enlarge (dilate). Histamine also binds to other receptors located in nasal tissues, causing redness, swelling, itching, and changes in the secretions.

Hives: See Urticaria

Hypoallergenic: Products formulated to contain the fewest possible allergens.

Immune system: The body's defense system that protects us against infections and foreign substances.

Immunotherapy: Also called allergy desensitization or allergy shots; immunotherapy is given to increase a person's tolerance to the substances that provoke allergy symptoms (allergens). Allergy shots reduce your sensitivity to certain substances but do not cure allergies. They are usually recommended for people who suffer from allergies more than three months a year.

Latex: Also known as rubber or natural latex. Latex is a milky fluid derived from the rubber tree. It is used in a wide variety of consumer products, including rubber gloves, tubing, rubber bands, etc.

Latex allergy: An allergy that develops after some sensitizing contact with latex.

Mast cell: A type of white cell that is involved in the allergic reaction. These cells release chemicals such as histamine.

Metered dose inhaler (MDI): Small aerosol canister in a plastic container that releases a burst of medication when pressed down from the top. Many asthma medications are taken using a MDI.

Mold: Parasitic, microscopic fungi that float in the air like pollen. Mold is a common trigger for allergies and can be found in damp areas, such as basements or bathrooms, as well as in grass, leaf piles, hay, mulch, or under mushrooms.

Mold count: See Pollen and mold count

Myringotomy: Outpatient procedure in which small metal or plastic tubes are inserted through the eardrum to equalize pressure between the middle and outer ear.

Nasal endoscopy: A test that allows the doctor to view the nasal cavity to detect polyps or other abnormalities.

Nasal sprays: Medication used to prevent nasal allergy symptoms. Available by prescription or over-the-counter in decongestant, corticosteroid, or salt-water solution form.

Otitis media: Bacterial or viral infection of the middle ear (the space behind the eardrum).

Otolaryngologist: A doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating a variety of disorders of the ear, nose, and throat.

Otoscope: A lighted instrument that lets the doctor see far down into the outer ear canal.

Pneumatic otoscope: An instrument that blows a puff of air into the ear canal to test eardrum movement.

Pollen: A fine, powdery substance released by plants and trees.

Pollen and mold counts: A measure of the amount of allergens in the air. The counts are usually reported for mold spores and three types of pollen: grasses, trees, and weeds. The count is reported as grains per cubic meter of air and is translated into a corresponding level: absent, low, medium, or high.

Pulmonary function test: A test that measures how much air is in the lungs and how forcefully this air can be exhaled (lung function).

RAST (radioallergosorbent test): Blood test used to identify the substances that are causing your allergy symptoms and to estimate a relative sensitivity.

Sinusitis: Inflammation of the sinuses caused by bacterial infection. Acute sinusitis is the sudden onset of symptoms that can be treated with antibiotics and decongestants. Chronic sinusitis is characterized by at least four recurrences of sinusitis or infection that last 12 weeks or longer.

Tympanometry: A test in which sound and air pressure are used to check for fluid in the middle ear.

Urticaria (hives): Itchy, swollen, red bumps or patches on the skin that appear suddenly as a result of the body's adverse reaction to certain allergens. They can appear anywhere on the body including the face, lips, tongue, throat, or ears. Hives vary in size and can last for minutes or days.

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