Capsule Swet Musli
Latin name: Asparagus Adscendens
Family: Liliaceae
Common name: Musli
Habitat: found abundantly in western Himalayas at 5300 m height
Macroscopic identification: it is a thorny shrub. The roots are white in color, hairy and almost round in shape.
Parts used: tuberous root
Pharmacological action: nutritive, tonic, galactogogue and demulscent.
Action and uses in Ayurveda: kaphavardhak,vat pittashamak, shukral, mutral, balya and rasayan
Indications: impotency, seminal debility, spermatorrhea
Photochemical: Asparagin, albuminous matter, mucilage and cellulose.
Properties and action:
Rasa: madhura
Guna: guru, snigdh
Virya: sita
Vipaka: madhura
Karma: sukrajanan
Preparations: powder and confections.
Therapeutic classification index:
- Digestive system: tubers are used in diarrhea, dysentery and general debility.
- Reproductive system: tubers are used in spermatorrhea, gleet and chronic leucorrhea.
Dose: powder- 3-6 Gms
Capsule Swet Musli contains pure powder of Swet Musli.
Dosage :one capsule twice a day, after meals.
Package size: 60 capsules.
- Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica, Vol.I, pg 151
- Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya Guna Vigyana, Vol II, pg 559