Latin name: Asparagus Racemosus
Family: Liliaceae
Common name: Shatavari, shatmuli
Habitat: this climber grows in low jungles
and is found al over India especially north
Macroscopic identification: Shatavari
is a thorny climber, which grows to the height
of 180 cm. The plants are hardy vines found
trailing on bushes along the dry hill slopes
Parts used: Root
Pharmacological action: Mucilaginous,
antidiarrhoetic, refriegerant, nutritive, tonic,
antidysenteric, galactogogue, aphrodisiac, demulcent,
& antispasmodic.
Actions and uses in ayurveda: mutrmeh,
jvara, somroga, pradar, hrid dorbalya.
Indications: it is used to increase
semen count, cure bareness in females and remove
disorders of female genitals. It is also used
to promote lactogenesis.
Photochemical: large amunt of saccharine
and mucilage
Properties and action:
Rasa: madhura, tikta
Guna: guru, snigdh
Virya: sita
Vipaka: madhura
Karma: vatapitta hara, balya, rasayana,
Preparations: decoction, oil, powder
Therapeutic classification index:
- Central nervous system: used in
hysteria, epilepsy, depression and loss of
- Cardiovascular system: It increased
the force and rate of contraction in isolated
frog's heart at moderate doses.
- Digestive system: Digestive: Both
aerial parts and roots of Asparagus racemosus
have amylase and lipase activities thus may
be attributed with digestive properties
- Reproductive system Shatavri roots
are used mainly as lactogogue which promotes
secretion of breast milk. Known as the 'Female
Rejuvenative', Shatawari is helpful for low
milk production, low sex drive, menopause
and infertility. The plant has been used in
ayurveda to increase milk secretion during
Asparagus R is described as ‘Jeevaneeya’ in
Ayurveda. It may help in regeneration of seminiferous
tubule population and thus help in increase
of spermatogenesis
- Immunity system: In general it helps
to maintain the health by providing immunity
to diseases. Asparagus racemosus has immune
enhancing properties
Use of Asparagus Racemosus in gynecological
One of the well-known major therapeutic
potentials of Asparagus racemosus is its effect
on female reproductive system. The study supporting
this fact showed that an alcoholic extract of
Asparagus racemosus exhibits anti-oxytocic activity.
It has also been discovered that the saponin
called shatavarin IV, an active component present
in Asparagus racemosus is responsible for this
activity. When studied in dose range of 20 µg
to 500 µg/ml in various animal models like rat,
guinea pig and rabbit uteri in vitro and in
situ it produced a specific blockade of syntocinon,
(oxytocin) induced contraction of uteri
Antioxidant properties of Asparagus Racemosus
One of the important properties of Asparagus
racemosus is its antioxidant property and the
study conducted has showed that the antioxidant
effects of active principles, present in crude
extract and a purified aqueous fraction of Asparagus
racemosus at the concentration of 10 g/ml, are
comparable to that of the established antioxidants
glutathione and ascorbic acid and also that
these extracts have potent antioxidant properties
in vitro in mitochondrial membranes of rat liver.These
studies supported the fact Asparagus racemosus
is a potential antioxidant that can be used
therapeutically to capture free radicals generating
in the body as a result of some pathological
reasons and ultimately leading to severe damage
to various cells in the body.
Use of Asparagus Racemosus as an Immunomodulator
Another important property of Asparagus
racemosus is its immune enhancing property by
means of enhancing defence functions like leucocytosis
(increased production of White blood cells)
and neutrophilia (increased production of neutrophils)
Use of Asparagus Racemosus as an antitussive
The methanol extract of Asparagus racemosus
root (200 and 400 mg/kg, p.o.) showed significant
antitussive activity on sulfur dioxide-induced
cough in mice when studied, the cough inhibition
(40.0 and 58.5%, respectively) being comparable
to that of 10-20 mg/kg of codeine phosphate
(36.0 and 55.4%, respectively) a well known
Dose: juice10-20ml, decoction 50-100ml
Capsule Shatavari contains pure and concentrated
Dosage: one capsule twice a day.
Package 60 capsules
- Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya Guna Vigyana, Vol
II, pg 562-564
- Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica,
Vol.I, pg 153-155