Neem Chhal
Latin name: Azadirachta Indica
Family: Meliaceae
Common name: Neem, Nimb
English name: Margosa tree
Habitat: it is found throughout the
country up to an elevation of 900 m
Macroscopic identification: A moderate
sized to fairly large evergreen tree of height
12-15 m, stout trunk and spreading branches,
compound and alternate leaves. Fruit is oval
in shape yellowish in color.
Parts used: flowers, leaves, bark, seeds
and oil, root bark, young fruit, gum.
Pharmacological action:
Root bark and fruit are astringent, tonic and
anti periodic.
Bark is bitter, tonic, astringent, anti periodic
and vermifuge
Fruit is emollient, purgative and antihelmentic
Oil is local stimulant, insecticide and antiseptic.
Leaves are antihelmentic
Flowers are stimulant, tonic and stomachic
Gum is stimulant and demulcent
Neem also possess anti spirochaetal and emmanogogue
Actions and uses in ayurveda: Jvara,
aamsotha, vrana, kustha, prameha, netraroga,
krimiroga, visaroga, aruci, vranam, chardi.
Photochemical: the bark exudes a clean
bright amber colored gum which is collected
in small trees or fragments. It contains a bitter
alkaloid named margosine in long white
needles. Leaves contain a small bitter substance
of same chemical character but much more soluble
in water. Seeds contain 10-30% of a yellow bitter
fixed oil which is extracted by boiling. The
oil is deep yellow in color and contains free
and volatile fatty acids. The volatile fatty
acids contain stearic and oleic acid with a
small amount of lauric acid.
The sap contains glucose, sucrose, gums and
coloring matter, proteids and ashes, containing
potassium, iron, aluminium, caslcium and carbon
Properties and action:
Rasa: tikta, kashaya
Guna: laghu
Virya: sita
Vipaka: katu
Karma: vatala, pittanashak, grahi
Preparations: powder and decoction
Therapeutic classification index:
- Blood and haemopoeitic tissue: it
is a blood purifier and hence is used in all
skin troubles. It has a marked action on liver
- Central nervous system: it is a nervine
stimulator and is used in tetanus
- Respiratory system:
- Digestive system: it is used in
loss of appetite, constipation and belching.
It is used as a wormicidal in intestinal worms
- Reproductive system
- Skin: it is used against malaria,
intermittent fever and other paroxysmal fevers,
convalescence after fever. It is also use
din leprosy, psoriasis, eczema etc.
- Genito- urinary system: it
is used in leucorrhea, primary secondary and
tertiary syphilis.
- Musculoskeletal system:
- Immunity system:.
Neem as an antioxidant:
Campo Alpha Lipoic Acid is derived from Neem
Leaves (Azadrichta indica), by in-vacuum fractionation
of the amphillic components of the photosynthethic
processes of the Neem leaves.A newly recognized,
natural, co-vitamin and anti-oxidant nutrient.
Alpha Lipoic acid has been called an "ideal
antioxidant" by prominent scientists, and
it has multiple applications which include:
1) an adjunct to medical therapy,
2) lowering risk factors in preventive medicine,
3) life-extension and general health,
4) sports and physical training; and as
5) as an topical anti-oxidant
Dose: powder 1-3 gms
Capsule Neem Chhal contains pure and concentrated
neem chhal.
Dosage: one capsule twice a day.
Package 60 capsules
- Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya Guna Vigyana, Vol
II, pg 149-151
- Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica,
Vol.I, pg 776-784
- The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia Of India, Part
I, Vol.II, pg 124-125