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Capsule Narikel lavan

Capsule Narikel lavan
A capsule prepared from:

Narikel phal (Cocos Nucifera)


Saindhav lavan


A fully ripe coconut is taken, the shell is removed and a hole is made at top of the coconut. Powdered lavan is put through the hole till the water in the coconut rises to the level of the hole. The coconut is then covered by clay-smeared clot in three consecutive layers and dried. This is put into a puta of 10- 15 cow dung cakes. When cool, the charred coconut containing the lavan is powdered

Description: moderately fine powder, light black in color, pleasant odor and salty taste

Therapeutic Dosage:
in gastric ulcer- 1-2gms in a day with coconut water
In duodenal ulcers 1-2 gms in a day with Pippali churn
In burning micturition 1-2 gms with chandan asav

Therapeutic use: acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers
Dosage: one capsule twice a day, before meals with water

Package size: 60 capsules


  1. Bhaisajyaratnavali, sularogadhikar, 81
  2. The Ayurvedic Formulary of India , lavan and ksara, 131
  3. Ras Tantra Sar Siddh Prayog Sangreh Vol –II, pg.no. 338
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