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Capsule Isabgol

Latin name: Plantago Ovata
Family: Plantaginaceae
Common name: Isabgol

English name: Psyllium Husk

Habitat: This Persian herb is found all over north -west India, Punjab and Sind.
Macroscopic identification: it is a herb with distinct leaves 3-6 inches long. Fruit is ovoid and seeds taper at ends
Parts used: Husk
Pharmacological action: cooling, laxative, demulcent, expectorant, emollient and astringent
Actions and uses in ayurveda: vatpittta shamak, mridu virechak

Indications: Chronic constipation, Colitis, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Urethritis, Cystitis, Ulcers, Gastritis, disturbed lipid profile, Irritable bowel syndrome
Photochemical: Psyllium stalks contain tiny seeds, also called Psyllium, covered by husks, which are the parts used in foods. Psyllium's total dietary content -- 86 percent -- is made up of 71 percent soluble fiber and 15 percent insoluble fiber. This compares to 15 percent total fiber and only five percent soluble fiber for oat bran. The soluble fiber in one tablespoon of Psyllium is equal to 14 tablespoons of oat bran. It has a significant property of absorbing water and form a bulk mucilage. Its action is purely mechanical and its efficiency is entirely due to the large quantity of mucilage present in the husks

Properties and action:

Rasa: madhura
Guna: snigdh, guru, pichhil
Virya: sita
Vipaka: madhura
Karma: vatakapha hara, balya, rasayana, vajikarna.
Preparations: powder

Therapeutic classification index:

  • Cardiovascular system: It helps to reduce the risk of heart attack by decreasing serum cholesterol through proper excretion of bile acids.
  • Respiratory system: it is also used as an expectorant
  • Digestive system: A natural remedy for constipation regulates bowel functions. A bulk forming laxative. Biological experiments have proved that the mucilage of husk forms a coating over the surface of ulcers thereby protecting the injured mucosa from irritating products of gastrointestinal digestion. Isabgol seeds are used in catarrh, chronic dysentery, intestinal fluxes, and diarrhea.
  • Genito- urinary system: it is used in affections of bladder, urethra and kidney.

Dose: powder: 5-10 gms
Capsule Isabgol contains pure and concentrated Isabgol
Dosage: one capsule a day.

Package 60 capsules


  1. Prof P.V Sharma, Dravya Guna Vigyana, Vol II, pg 414-417
  2. Dr.KM Nadkarni, The Indian Materia Medica, Vol.I, pg 980-986
  3. Glossary Of Indian Medicinal Plants by R.N Chopra, S.L.Nayar, I.C Chopra pg 196
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